音楽:Saudades de Rock を ネットで探す

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Saudades de Rock


Album Details
Extreme is a US Rock band that achieved popularity in the late 1980s and early 1990s. Some of Extreme's influences, Queen and Van Halen (the latter of which Gary Cherone would eventually join and later leave), are readily apparent from their music's multi-part vocal harmonies and electric guitar tone and instrumental techniques. The band lends the listener a sound that blends the genre of glam metal with the shredding guitar work of thrash metal. Being asked about their style, Extreme categorized their music as 'Funky Metal'. Extreme has released four studio albums, two EPs (in Japan) and two compilations since its formation. The band was one of the most successful of those from the early 1990s, selling over 10 million albums worldwide. Extreme rose to fame with its 1990 release Pornograffitti, which peaked at #10 on the Billboard 200.


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Saudades de Rock
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CD 販売のバナー広告



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